Join us in the public AniMove lecture series, as part of the AniMove Summer Course.
Thursday, June 6, 6 pm: Dr. Orr Spiegel - “Do it your way: the ecological importance of...
Brett Jesmer, a postdoctoral associate with the Max-Planck Yale Center for Biodiversity Movement and Global Change, is the 2019 recipient of the prestigious George Mercer...
Biodiversity change is ultimately an aggregate of manifold changes playing out at the level of single individuals and their interactions with others and the environment. How...
Dr. Guralnick will present a talk that bridges from informatics approaches and creating large-scale data repositories for trait information to the use of those resources to...
Animal tracking technologies have advanced rapidly over the past two decades, leading growing stockpiles of high quality, high resolution movement data. Analytical techniques...
About AniMove: Animal Movement Analysis summer school is offered as a two-week professional training course, that targets students, researchers and conservation...
William (Bill) Michener, Professor and Director of e-Science Initiatives for University Libraries, University of New Mexico, is the DataONE Principal Investigator. ...