OML 400
165 Prospect St
New Haven, CT
Join us for a half-day session on conservation science and applications of systematic conservation planning approaches. Learn about available decision support tools and how scientists and practitioners are using these to expand the global reserve network for biodiversity conservation.
9.30-10.00am: Breakfast reception (provided)
10.00-10.05am: Opening remarks, Walter Jetz
10.05-10.45am: Hugh Possingham, Chief Scientist, The Nature Conservancy, ‘TNC Science - What is it doing to save the planet?’
10.45-11.10am: Jennifer McGowan, Spatial Planning and Technical Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy, ‘You have the problem! Using decision science to solve user inspired conservation challenges’
11.10-11.30am: Christoph Nolte, Assistant Professor, Boston University, ‘Building a nationwide system to analyze and support private land protection in the U.S.: Data needs and opportunities’
11.30-11.45am: Walter Jetz, MPYC/BGC Center Director, EEB Department, Yale University, ‘Spatial conservation prioritization at the global scale’
11.45am-12.00pm: Erica Stuber, Postdoc, EEB Department, Yale University, ‘Using ideal avian neighborhoods to maximize multi-species planning targets for conservation’
12.00-12.15pm: Scott Rinnan, Postdoc, EEB Department, Yale University, ‘Incorporating climate change into spatial conservation plans’
12.15-12.30pm: Discussions and final remarks
12.30-1.30pm: Lunch (provided, requires registration)
Please register for this event.